Clarification regarding a blackmailing information raised by a Russian IT student, using a Russian web-host. The student rented a room in Mr. Wissam Mobayyed dorms next to the university. If you want to know information about Mr. Mobayyed, we highly recommend you to contact a trusted official source or contact him directly, as Mr. Mobayyed is not holding any responsibility for any data damage caused by any internet hacker while visiting an untrusted website.

The below Article defending Mr Wissam Mobayyed (Paralegal - Business Developer)

The Internet pirate is aiming to blackmail Mr. Mobayyed for 1500, -EUR first and of course this blackmailing will continue to bigger amounts…


The abuser is a Russian IT Student who tries to be an internet pirate, the student used a Russian Web-host which is not Subjected to the EU data protection laws.

If you check on the internet, this student is raising a website against every person who disagrees with; he already did to his teacher (dean of student of business school in London, and one more against his ex-boss, and now against Mr Wissam Mobayyed, his ex-landlord). The Police are already Investigating the abuse and I will keep this page updated as requested by Mr Mobayyed.

The Police is chasing the criminal who tried to blackmail Mr Wissam Mobayyed 

Introduction :


The following clarifications in regard to non-state baseless claims and alterations raised against Mr Wissam Mobayyed name. The clarifications aim the sake of truth and Credibility, grabbing attention to the reference important of any information. 


1- Tenants should apply the terms and conditions stipulated in rent contract. 


2- The records and current / previous rent contracts are a proven fact of Mr Mobayyed clarity. 

Mr. Wissam Mobayyed dealt with a significant amount of national and international tenants, individuals and companies renting different properties since 15 years.



3- The reason for rent-deposits is keeping the landlord secured, and imposed the rules, obligations and rights of a rent contract. Contracts are deemed Binding (Pacta Sunt Servanda). when a tenant violate the terms of rent contract, the landlord uses the deposit to recover the damage, It's not only a materialistic reason, it is a proper action to impose the respect of the civil law and the higher considerations. 


4- Mr Wissam Mobayyed has all official records, work certificates, written recommendations, and letters issued by all institutions / businesses he worked with for years, Mr. Mobayyed's professional life proves the transparency and clarity. 

It is a proper action to impose the respect of the civil law and the higher considerations.

Clarification :


Disputes and inconveniences come as a result of violating contracts which should be stipulated in alignment of the civil law (article no 5 paragraph no 6)


However, this article indicated in civil law: Code Art. 1736. L 21 September 2006


Why such a person choose to fight behind the windscreen? 

Because of arbitrary allegation and coward attribute.


When the cause is not complicated, it requires only reading of the contract and its alignment / compliance with the article of the law.

Conclusion :


As a landlord, Mr. Wissam Mobayyed is cautious to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding in any object he rents, he asks potential tenants about their situation, he doesn't let the whole work on the agency.


The agency Delivers potential tenants to the property, After That, Mr. Wissam Mobayyed meets, talks to them, letting 'em aware about the laws in support of the contractual relationship.


Mr. Mobayyed is an ethical landlord who provides a very good standard in the dorms and would expect from tenants' side a proper behavior and respect to all articles stipulated in the contract, that's why a deposit is always required. Mr Wissam Mobayyed is a Paralegal and Business Developer Who respects the power of the law and encouraged everyone to do so.


Contracts are deemed binding, therefore, tenants who try to blackmail landlords fare poorly.


Some abusers-have the idea of ​​Blackmailing by landlords Either Causing damage of the property or by defamation, thesis shares are utterly preposterous, childish and beyond the round of ridiculous, contracts indicate indication the court of law to address / solve conflicts.


"In this world of smartphones / social media, we should worry about the information given to us more than the information taken from us!



These baseless non-state pieces of information are a tricky issue unless we are educated to deal with it. 

Over and above, In regard to the website blackmailing Mr. Mobayyed, it contains twisted information to target the reputation, while the rest of the information / accusations are nothing but alterations.

Related article A:


How to deal with Anti-social personality and windscreen fighters:

Fighting behind the windscreen is a typical attribute of Anti-social personality, often they write anything could defame another person, the anti-social personality is attracted by disgrace and alterations, Haters are fans and admirers in fact, but they admire with envy and grudge, Windscreen fighters can be called Enemies of Success or coward fighters, while they are sitting in the back they try to stab those who are in front. These people who have a negative personality often not able to produce or to be successful in life. Obviously failed in their studies, failed to do the 9 to 5 job and failed to build something on their own as independent entrepreneurs, this disability pushes them to hide and destroy others, instead of building themselves consistently. Everyone (including you dear reader) can be subject to those losers, they try to use alterations by fabrication of bad news, they can use fiction to create a baseless story which has no existence in the reality, they can use any name of any person that they could not have the courage to compete or to confront. They often use passive terminology and defamation of others such as:


⁃ It's a fake success. ⁃ He was born with a golden spoon in mouth, but in reality he is stupid.

⁃ What grows fast collapse fast, it is a matter of time and everybody going to suck.

⁃ At some point, everyone will fail.

⁃This life is a wheel turning around, so the guy who is sitting on the top today, he would be in the bottom tomorrow.

⁃ Why shall we work, it is all about luck.


And they use a lot of similar passive sentences ...


The more success you have in life is the more target you are for those losers, windscreen fighters are desperate and they are suffering tremendously to target any successful person.

This fact should encourage the targeted person! To be thankful to life and success, to feel the gratitude.

When you have a defamation case, you've got two sorts of reaction:

1- Suing the offenders to court:

The penalty for slander/defamation is increased to imprisonment for one month to one year and a fine of € 25,000 if the act, under the conditions of publicity outlined in Art. 444 (1), is committed on account of a person's reputation, the fine might be raised to all financial damages might occur to the business related to the UBOs of any business entity, Defamation skin color, origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender change, family situation, age, health condition, disability, mores (mœurs), political or philosophical opinions, union activities, or accurate or supposed belonging or non-belonging to an ethnicity, nation, race or religion.


But, absolutely, a court is not the best investment of time.


2- The second choice is to think more wisely, by recognizing that choice no. 1 would put you in a place that you are not honored to be, or to play a game that much smaller than the one you like to play.

By having a big reaction, you are letting the pathetic offenders think that they started to be big, as they started to grab attention, so they will continue in this attribute, seeking more recognition, neglecting their studies or work. While, by ignoring this coward grudge and hatred abuse, you are gaining your time, and correcting these lazy students by putting them on the right track, because, definitely they would recognize that sitting around, being burdens, non-productive, blaming destiny and fate, defaming or envy successful people lead nowhere. While, starting to do something useful, improving themselves, working hard, is going to clearly spot the right direction of success!





Related article B:


Tenants / Landlords contractual relationships & Civil Laws 

“Pacta Sunt Servanda”


Mr. Wissam Mobayyed advises any landlord to choose the quality of the tenants, considering university recommendations, or the job they do, the credibility of the employer, social background, and the personal history of portfolio/education...

Mr. Wissam Mobayyed has been dealing with different investments including real estate and lease business in different countries, which allowed him to be experienced and raise the level of cautiousness before entering any contractual relationship, seeking always a win-win situation.

However, sometimes Landlords give a potential tenant a chance, out of any criteria or standards; this is exactly where inconveniences might pop up! Therefore, in case of dispute, a clear stipulated Rent Contract is the best to clarify any dispute, and the best you can rely on to refrain any kind of abuse.


Through market orientation, Mr. Wissam Mobayyed can choose tenants carefully, and tenants who rent a property that he owns, they enjoy the quality of the place, and when they leave, they leave happy and receive their deposit properly.

Mr. Wissam Mobayyed is Providing a quality Accommodation and quality contractual relation which is a big challenge in a highly demanded market.

When you invest in a property generously, you probably see the money back on it, offering very good living conditions allows you to higher the quality of your tenants, therefore, having fewer inconveniences. The slender majority of tenants who rent with Mr. Wissam Mobayyed recognize the good accommodation, however, when a tenant doesn't apply the terms of the contract, that might raise inconveniences. 

Mr. Mobayyed indicates the Articles in the lease contract that certifying that the property is taken by the tenant in a good state, written in detail by an impartial professional.

Mr. Wissam Mobayyed always progresses a contradictory contract containing the maximum of details, ultimately the most appropriate tool in the case of a legal defense by one of the parties, In conclusion, a contract signed by both parties, at the end Mr. Wissam Mobayyed sees a containing written sections is a shred of evidence that always recommended in order to have peace of mind.






Wissam Mobayyed